Saturday, October 20, 2007

Right, well, we lost.
And, I would like to think that I am a big enough sport to say that they deserved it, but they really didn't. It was more what we didn't do than what they did. Bloody South Africa. At least out players are prettier and don't sport the horrific highlights that some of their players do. Really, and truly, world class rugby players have no business getting highlights. At least this afternoon did prove that England are not rubbish like everyone said they are, and that Bass Ale is wicked good and can improve an afternoon greatly.

Its been a busy couple of weeks. My charity project at work is finally coming to an end and has been extremely successful. We are also thinking about moving. Its likely that we will have a family sometime in the future and our three bedroom house is just not big enough. There was a great foreclosure that I wanted but some bugger got in there before us. most unfair. But . . . i will keep on looking. Hubby might even get some input after he gets home! It also means selling the little house - sounds like a hassle. ick.

Let's see. I'm so upset by the rugby that i am apparently unable to post anything else of substance. I'm just sitting here in my England shirt feeling sad. We do have a wine tasting party tonigth which should be a good deal of fun. These are usually fairly loud nights where the last ones standing are almost always the brits and australians. I really like australians - I think its a terrible shame that some of them don't like brits. But the ones who are willing to talk to me, I completely love. And, I could listen to them talk all day.

enough of that. I think I need to do some laudry

1 comment:

liberal army wife said...

well, dear. I'm so sorry.. about the game and the house. But I'm so glad you are ok (Bass Ale notwithstanding...)