Saturday, October 27, 2007

Another note to the well meaning folks of my neighbourhood

Dear folks
If your house is on the market, and people will be making appointments to come and look around, and if you want people to actually purchase your house, I have some words of wisdom.

IF YOU HAVE A PARROT IN THE LAUNDRY ROOM PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WARN PEOPLE IN THE AGENTS REMARKS!!!!!!!! Otherwise, your potential buyer will have a near heart attack and frankly, will be put off purchasing the place.

I also suggest cleaning your carpets, not leaving dirty dishes in the sink, de cluttering your closets and putting childrens toys in an neat orderly manner. Small things that would make all the difference.

So, yeah, I am house hunting. We only have 3 bedrooms, and I think we need 4. And, we don't have a study or a gameroom. So we need a new house. I am not sure hubby is so keen on this idea but since he's not here . . . just kidding - I am doing the ground work so we have some good ones to look at once he gets back. Thankfully he will be back soon - yippee.

Right, well, now that that is all cleared up, a glass of wine I think

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Right, well, we lost.
And, I would like to think that I am a big enough sport to say that they deserved it, but they really didn't. It was more what we didn't do than what they did. Bloody South Africa. At least out players are prettier and don't sport the horrific highlights that some of their players do. Really, and truly, world class rugby players have no business getting highlights. At least this afternoon did prove that England are not rubbish like everyone said they are, and that Bass Ale is wicked good and can improve an afternoon greatly.

Its been a busy couple of weeks. My charity project at work is finally coming to an end and has been extremely successful. We are also thinking about moving. Its likely that we will have a family sometime in the future and our three bedroom house is just not big enough. There was a great foreclosure that I wanted but some bugger got in there before us. most unfair. But . . . i will keep on looking. Hubby might even get some input after he gets home! It also means selling the little house - sounds like a hassle. ick.

Let's see. I'm so upset by the rugby that i am apparently unable to post anything else of substance. I'm just sitting here in my England shirt feeling sad. We do have a wine tasting party tonigth which should be a good deal of fun. These are usually fairly loud nights where the last ones standing are almost always the brits and australians. I really like australians - I think its a terrible shame that some of them don't like brits. But the ones who are willing to talk to me, I completely love. And, I could listen to them talk all day.

enough of that. I think I need to do some laudry

Sunday, October 7, 2007

And what else sucks is the white trash family over the street who allow their awful teenaged sons to play electic guitars loudly in the garage. They really should de camp back to the trailer park from which I am sure they came.
I think homecoming is going to be hard.
We are already arguing - about stupid stuff too. Mainly we can't agree on what we will do for all the various holiday celebrations. He wants to see his family and I want to see mine. Of course, this is nothing new for most families, but I still feel he is being selfish. I don't feel that his parents do anything for us - and then when we try to make them happy, they end up screwing everything up for everyone. I suppose I just don't see why my family should have to step back in order to accommodate his family.

yeah. I know. it will get easier, hang in there and all that. But it sucks.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Well, England has performed a miracle and beater Australia to reach the semi finals of the Rugby World Cup. This really is a miracle to anyone who saw the frankly shocking performance made against South Africa in the pool stages. rock on England

In anticipation of the likely soon return of the hubby-love, I have been attempting to improve my cooking skills. So last night I backed a fairly simple pound cake and then made a chocolate/whiskey drizzle to go over the top. Now, I don't like to float my own boat too much, but that stuff was GOOD!!!! It was random too - I just shoved together a bunch of stuff that sounded like it might taste good together. I think I might try another one next friday night and see if there is secretly a cooking genious hidden inside me.
It doesn actually make me sad though that I never got my Grandma's recipes from her. She's still alive but has dementia so the time to learn from her has passed. She could cook like noone I have ever met. At Sunday dinner there would be a choice of at least two amazing desserts, and usually we all had a hearty piece of each. So sad that all her true genious will go with her.

Now I really must do some exercise. I feel like a big fat lump!!!

GO ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 21, 2007

whine whine whine

Today they said some nice things to me at work about being a citizen. It was sweet. I think I'm really lucky with my job - I don't think that many places would be so understanding and caring.

Well, today I once again went in search of some new clothes. Anyone who has read me before will know that this is an issue for me. Well today was no different. All I want is a black dress. A black dress that is about knee length, is not low cut and is straight in the hips. HOW HARD CAN IT BE???? Evidently, quite difficult indeed. I went everywhere. Nearly every one I tried on fitted just fine on top but then had hug hip areas built in. Banana Republic was the worst offender. What is with the assumption that a size 0 woman has flabby hips?? Is it even likely?? I don't think so. Finally I got one in Target of all places. Its not perfect but it was cheap and it will do for now!!!
So . . . a note to all the fashion designers out there. Not all girls have large boobs and flabby hips!!! No do we want them.


I am quite excited, however, that I get to wear my new hat tomorrow. Its simply stupendous and I can't wait - grey wool with a fabulous satin bow. I have been looking forward to this moment for two weeks. Just wish that the hubby was here to enjoy it. He is amused by my hat wearing family. Maybe I will wear a lovely one to his coming home party :-)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Hello !!

Today I was sworn in as an American Citizen. It was actually a lot more exciting than I had thought it would be. My mother and I even joined in with the national anthem (although, I have to say that God Save the Queen is a lot easier to sing!).

Hubby was excited too. I think he's just pleased his wife is not in danger any more of being deported for her liberal views. Poor hubby. I got annoyed with him today. Went to the mail box and there was a parcel sitting in it. So I thought, oh lovely, something for me. I open it and its a cute "My Little Pony" watch ( I am a big baby and love all that kid stuff). I think, what a sweet hubby. Well, he gets on the phone tonight and he tells me it is in fact for someone over there!!! He bought it for their kids. I thought it was nice that he did that, but I was still kinda disappointed. Oh well . . .

I've had far too much champagne and should probably go to bed!!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Good News!

I got an email today from the unit who inform me that we are looking at a fairly short period of time before hubby will be home!! yippee!!! I can't wait!! Hopefully work will be nice and let me have some time to go up to meet him - they were great when he left so I don't see it being a problem. And, it means I get a lovely trip to NC. This is quite an exciting thought to me because it means I get to wear all my beautiful fall fashions in a place that is cold!!!! Whoo hoo - beats air conditioned cold any day of the week.

Of course, I'm most excited of all because I can finally see an end to this rubbish.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

bad referees


Apologies for those who are not into sports but this has to be said. THE REFEREE SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO OVERSEE THAT GAME!!! Why? Because he is South African and guess who England plays on Friday? South Africa! And what did he do? He deliberately ignored a foul by England's captain - meaning that instead of 10 minutes in the sin bin, he could now be suspended from the game against . . . guess who???? . . . South Africa!!! It blows my mind they didn't find a more neutral ref for the game.


Oh, and congrats to the USA team by the way. That was a really good performance.

Rugby Heaven

Well its that perfect time again that happens but once every four years when the great rugby playing nations get together for the world cup. I love it. I hate that I have to subscribe to a rubbish channel to get coverage but oh goodness me is it worth it! Its too bad that England are not pretty this year - its never easy to be defending champions, especially when you are not playing well. So, we'll see. France looked good before it started but they went down to Argentina so I guess anything can happen.

And on that note, I am off for the second half . . .

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Nice long weekend everyone? I hope so!! I had lofty plans to do nothing other than watch movies and drink beer. That didn't work out of course! After spending some quality time with my favourite fashion magazines I felt inspired to go shopping. So, off I went, dreaming of all the fabulous things I could buy. HA! Well, it turns out that none of the fabulous clothes were made to fit me. It was so depressing. I went to a huge number of shops within a large price range and, nothing! So, as usual, I was forced to try the junior section where all the ultra-skinny 17 year olds stared at me with that "you are SO totally too old to be shopping here look." And, I didn't find much in there either. So, I bought myself shoes instead :-) Fabulous, dark red, patent, t-strap heels. Sooo beautiful.

It got me thinking though. Why oh why do the makers of nice professional women's clothes not make anything small enough those of us who do not have hips? They have whole sections for larger women, and whole sections for people a half inch shorter than me, but what about us slightly taller than petite slightly boy shaped folks????? Yeah, yeah, I know I am not getting much sympathy from anyone, but it is very frustrating indeed!

Oh - and, on the previous subject and related to LAW's oh so true comment, there is also the parent who allows their child to turn around and look over the back of the seat at you and then gets pissy when one asks the child to cease. I told hubby about my thoughts and he requested that I add one of his experiences to the list. When he was coming home on leave earlier in the year, he was on a long flight from the UAE to London, and was really rather tired. So, half and hour or so into the flight he decides, quite reasonably in the opinion of most normal people, to recline his seat. Well, the woman behind him throws a fit!!! Says she can't eat her dinner. So, being the sweet lovie that he is, he says, ok fine I will wait. So, once the dinner has finished and most are dosing, sweet hubby is awfully tired and decides to try again. Guess what!!!! Woman throws another fit and tells him that he is a most selfish young man who has no respect for his elders!!! He explained that he was coming home on leave from a combat zone and was tired and was only doing what any other person would do. Did it make a difference ? Or course not! What a witch!

Anyway, there you go hubby! "mean, nasty, I am going to ruin your flight for no good reason" lady has been added to my list.

And with that, a glass of wine I think

Friday, August 31, 2007

online again!

Well, I finally resorted to plugging in my aged laptop at home and giving up on a new machine. I don't like laptops that much but I suppose it will have to do!!!

I am otherwise in a splendid mood this evening because my new glasses arrived. I now have three pairs to match to different outfits - I think this is necessary because wearing the same thing everyday is remarkably tedious - can you even imagine wearing the same pair of shoes two days in a row? I don't think so. Anyway, they are extremely fabulous and I am happy.

To occupy myself during the offline days, I started thinking about travelling. Here's what I came up with :

Flying with me

It has become apparent over the past few years that flying with me is simply not a good idea. I fully advise against it. Of course, I know you are all thinking that the likelihood of you ever traveling me is remote. We don’t even know each other, right? Well, you just never know – if you see a short redhead with an English accent, you just never know . . .

In any case, before I go into the whys and wherefores of why one should always avoid traveling with me, I think first I will share my observations of my fellow traveler. Perhaps when I have finished you will see why it could be that I am simply “getting mine” for being such an intolerant companion. We shall see.

Traveler 1: I’m trying to impress you with my unimpressive travel credentials man

This is the guy that decides he is so important that everyone needs to hear what he as to say. This feeling of importance usually overcomes him at those quiet moments on the aeroplane when everyone is waiting to disembark – or “deplane” as we apparently now say (incidentally - who on earth came up with that dreadful expression?). He often is dressed in slightly mismatched sportswear and in need of a shave. If not, he is tanned and slick, but in a slimy and nasty way. He looks around, clears his throat and then we all hear "well, honey, I think we have to get on over to terminal B . . . yes, B . . . because that's where the flight to SAN FRANCISCO leaves from . . . you know, its a nice airport they have out there, not as nice as the one in L.A. of course, but still nice blah blah blah blah. All the while he is sharing his "fascinating" stories, he looks around for people he thinks are impressed and shoots them the, "yeah, that's right - I know travel" look that he has spent a good amount of time rehearsing.

Traveller 2: "I'm going to clear my throat loudly every 5 minutes" man

I don't think that he needs much introduction of description. All I know is that there is always at least one of them within two rows of me, no matter what. Come on people! Is it really necessary to clear your throat at all?? This rule, incidentally, applies to all people in all situations.

And luckily for you, this is as far as I got! I think I might think about this some more though. Now I imagine you all think I am horrible. I'm not really - honest!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Frustration . . . AGAIN

This is getting beyond silly. I got another new computer and guess what!!! This one doesn't work either!!!! So I am reduced to sneaking a short post at work. I am very cross indeed by this whole saga. I am seriously considering making the computer people in the shop do a full demonstration of the machine before I take it home.
At least it is nearly the long weekend!! whoo hoo. I am going to pop down to San Antonio to see my sister in law graduate from basic training. It should be fun. Might stop off in Austin on the way home. And then on Monday, wine and DVDs - ALL day. can't wait.

Hopefully soon there will be a new computer and therefore a longer, and hopefully better post! for now . . . work.

Monday, August 27, 2007


So -
I bought a new computer because the old one was tired with spyware and woudn't wake up any more. I got it home, set it up and was all excited about the prospect of my new machine. And so I switch it on and guess what?! IT doesn't work!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like, not at all. It briefly came to life and then the screen did this eerie fading to white thing. I was so distressed. Luckily my brother was able to take it back to the shop for me while I was at work. But now I am without computer at home. The distress level is almost too much to stand!!

On the plus side, I do have an amusing blog post in progress that is all related to my travels this weekend. I know, I know, the one of you that reads this can hardly hold in the excitement. hopefully I will get internet for a long enough period soon so I can post it on here.

And on that note, my time is about to be up. Hubby is fine, by the way. Just counting down the months until he comes home now. I can hardly wait :-)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Good days . . .

Sweet hubby is being such a love at the moment! We are suitably (on LAW's advice) avoiding deep topics and talking mainly about things I like to whine about. It has been really lovely. We're also planning our trip to Australia next year. I am so excited about it. The last time I went I was with my high school on music tour, so the places we went and the things we did were somewhat limited. This time it should be much more fun!! I'm just a bit of an impatient person so I want the trip to start tomorrow. Its something to look forward to though :-)

Its also a good day because I resisted the muffin at lunch and had the veggie soup instead. A pat on the back for me. This might sound all virtuous and all but its not - I fully intend to eat junior mints and drink coke at the movies tonight :-) So I had to be good for half the day. And, this weekend will be a loss on the exercise front because I am going to visit one set of in-laws for the weekend. This usually means eating way more than one really should. Add to that I'm flying up there so I will be obliged to get a latte at the airport and sweeties for the flight. So, in conclusion of that directionless rant, its good that I got the soup.

Well done me!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Well, at least so far today I have managed to avoid coke and cake. That's something, right?

I didn't avoid the clothes stores though!! Got some trousers for work and a couple of tops. I am attempting to move outside my uniform of black, grey, brown and beige. I'm depressed that I can't wear pink anymore since I went back to being a redhead. I do have a lovely pair of pink shoes though so all is not completely lost.

Hubby has not called in a while. I am hoping it is because the phones are dead and not because either 1. something bad happened or 2. he's still irritated with me. I think I upset him when I said that although I really want children, I'm not looking forward in any small way to being pregnant. We weight obsessed people rarely do. Apparently I should think of it as an honor to carry his kids. I see it as a burden that is going to get in the way of my constant dieting and exercise. I think perhaps we need to keep our conversations on lighter subjects in the future.

Oh, and thank goodness blogger keeps posts as drafts. I keep accidentally closing the window. duh.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

For anyone who appreciates those days when you are just bad

Today, I strayed so far from my healthy eating diet that I am slightly ashamed. So, I thought I'd share:

Ok, so this was not bad. Branflakes. So, I'm doing ok, right?

Wait for it . . .

Three glasses of full fat coke
Huge chunk of chocolate cake. A corner piece with huge globs of buttercream icing followed by extra icing scraped off the baking sheet.

Large coke icee
King size box of Junior Mints and half a king size box of milk duds.

Wine (lots)

I feel so ashamed.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Well, today I moved into my window office . . . nearly. I have all my stuff moved and placed in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Sadly my computer has not, as yet, followed me. I know they have their reasons for not letting us move our own stuff, but really, they need to be more efficient in getting it done. Today was a very frustrating day.

Other than the computer though, things are good. Hubby is happy (he's been nominated for an award - yay), I have been running a lot, I am feeling skinnier than I was two weeks ago, and the fall shoes are in. Oh and boy are they adorable and fabulous shoes this year!!! Yesterday I purchased a gorgeous tartan pair that I can't wait to make full use of. Naturally I slipped another pair of sandals in with the purchase because frankly it would be just plain wrong of me to leave them there (they are divine, brown patent leather with cream trim, criss-cross front with killer heels. I mean, who would have the heart to leave them there?). I also made a relatively good batch of custard. Only about 30% lumps this time. Whoopie.

And on that sweet thought . . .

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Ok, people. its August. Its 105 degrees outside. So why oh why do we have Christmas decorations on sale in the shops???? Get a grip. Really.

At least so far we have been spared the Christmas music. But seriously . . . Christmas decorations in August? Sorry I have such a beef with this but its just not cricket.

Sweet hubby called me today to discuss the last HP book now that it has finally arrived and he has had the chance to read it (I think he has gone without sleep for the last three days). Apparently the arrival of HP caused something of a stir in his camp as a lot of the soldiers wanted to get a read themselves. I suggested he run a rental service. I honestly didn't realise it would be so popular out there - had I known I would have popped another couple of books in the post to him. Oh well, at least a few of them can share his copy.

I'm actually feeling quite proud of myself as I managed to get hubby's favourite snack today (in the shop that sells the Christmas decorations so I suppose they are not completely awful). I can't wait to get them in the mail to him. I also managed to get some of the magnetic photo frames he is so fond of. Excellent shopping all round.

Well, this is a very boring post all told. Honestly, there is not much exciting stuff to write. I have been doing the marathon training and have a small concern that one of my knees might give up. I think for now I should be ok with doing some strength exercises and keeping at slower speed. Gosh, this is not very exciting either. How dull my life is.

On the plus side, however, I have not been doing my usual worrying about hubby. He should not have to do convoys again for a while and I know now that I need to appreciate the phone calls when they come, and not get all silly and upset when they don't. As long as I do all that, all should be well. Yippee.

One more thing before I go off for a nice glass of wine . . . LAW - I think you are my only reader - I tried to post comments on your blog and it won't let me. I was most disgusted by my rubbish antique computer when it refused to budge. I just want to let you know I am a huge fan!

Right . . . about that wine

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Another note to the good people of my neighbourhood

When you drive to work in the mornings, down those horribly polluted highways, please remember your manners.

It is not polite to squeeze people out of lanes just because your truck is bigger and noisier than their fuel efficient sedan

Just because I let one person in, it does not mean that I am going to let in the next five over-sized trucks too.

Driving down the shoulder to avoid the traffic jam is rude.

Playing your music so loudly that I can hear every word is obnoxious and childish, especially when you are a grown man. This behaviour is especially rude at 6:15am. (And while I am on that subject, playing it so loudly that I can hear it in my house is equally bad manners).

Driving one inch from my bumper is not only dangerous, but unnecessarily confrontational.

If a car is parked on the side of the road, on the feeder road, or anywhere close to the freeway, there is no need to slow down and look at it. To do so certainly won't improve the day of that car's owner, and it will not improve yours either. It does, however, make me late for work. Please stop.

Slowing down to have good stare at accidents is not just bad manners, its kinda sick.

Right, I think that is all for now. In case anyone is wondering, hubby is safe and well and has instructions to tell commanding officers that his wife won't let him do anything else dangerous.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

ahhh, internet again!

My internet finally came back on at home. whoo hoo

I have taken my internet-less time to re read the entire Harry Potter collection and to see the latest movie. yeah, ok, so I like Harry Potter - was a convert after the first and second movies were filmed in part in my University town while I was there.

So, the books. Book seven is just as good as the others. It certainly is no disappointment as some reviews suggest. I don't cry very easily and I cried three times in this book! I felt a bit of a ninny sitting in my living room crying about a book that is so far into the realms of fantasy. But maybe that is what is so appealing about these books. The characters are so human and so real when you read them, you can let yourself believe this stuff could actually happen. Absolutely brilliant.

The movie isn't bad either. The problem I saw with the Order of the Phoenix was the length of the book and all that happens in it. Large chunks would have to be left out to keep the movie to 2 hours. That said, I never understand why certain things are changed. Take, for example, the breaking of the prophecy at the ministry. In the book, Lucius Malfoy does not break the prophecy, but he does in the movie. Why?? Makes no sense. I suppose they were trying to show that Lucius would be in "you know who"'s bad books . . . but they could have achieved the same result by sticking with the book. That bit just really bugged me. Otherwise it was a great movie (ruined slightly by the people who decided to talk through the whole thing). I love the characters - especially Ron Weasley. To me, as it says in book 5 (even though missed out of the movie), Weasley is my king!!

Right, Potter stuff over with.

Hubby has been freaking me out this week. He went quiet on the phone and couldn't hide the fact he was apprehensive about something. He then said he wouldn't be able to call for a while. I don't think he was actively trying to make me lose sleep, but he certainly succeeded. I don't want to tell him that he has to lie, but really, he can't scare me like that. I need my sleep to be even an ounch of use at work.

He liked his package though. It always makes me smile to know that I have sent the right thing to him!! Sometimes I send something that he clearly doesn't like!! By the same token, he once sent me a document I needed and did so without even a note saying "love you wife"! Naturally I voiced my displeasure at the time. Poor husband.

I hope he's safe

Friday, August 3, 2007

An article about a show starring a friend of mine who is an outstandingly talented singer/actor/dancer. I hope this starts great things for him.. . Mr. Nathan Kiley

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

It turns out that the reason dear Hubby-Love has not called is that the phones are out. Apparently they are improving the soldiers ability to call home by taking the phones away completely for 4 weeks. Super duper. At least he managed to get one line to me in an email so I know he is safe. I mean, really, the phones worked just fine already. I don't see the need to mess around with them.

I am going to have a little whine about my computer now. It is huffing and puffing as I am trying to download a CD. You would think the thing was steam driven judging by the speed at which it is moving. I'm thinking an upgrade might be in order. Unfortunately I first must pay for a required CLE that sounds absolutely horrendous and desperately dull. Apparently we baby lawyers need to be told, yet again, not to break the ethics rules and that we can have a young lawyers association number plate. Lovely . . . but I think I'll pass. Anyway, they charge an outrageous sum of money for this silly course so my computer will just have to hang on in there for now.

The good news on the holiday front though is that I have booked Spain for next year. This means I will at least accomplish one of my "I'm going to improve my attitude by setting goals" goals. I have also finished re reading all the Harry Potter books - yay!!!

An on that note . . . I think I am going to leave my computer to its heart attack and start making a parcel for hubby.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I started a new hobby. Its technically an old hobby but I have taken a 15 year break from it so it might as well be new. It's horse riding, with a view to learning Dressage.

This morning, after my first proper lesson last night, I feel like my legs are going to fall off. I had forgotten how much this lark HURTS!!!! The good news though is that my mind is currently not on the lack of communication from hubby. There have been a few scattered emails, but no phone calls. Luckily I had some warning of this possibility so the worries have not come as fast and frequent as they sometimes might. But the horse riding and subsequent pain have certainly given me something else to think about in the mean time.

I need painkillers . . . NoW!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Today I posted Harry Potter to hubby! He's as big of a nerd as I am. I also sent his favourite toothpaste because apparently it isn't available in his corner of Iraq. I am constantly amazed by what silly things he is fussy about.

Work is driving me nuts. I am so bored. Of course, part of that is probably due to the fact I am a little bit bored at home. I see friends and family, but its just not the same as having him home. A bit part of it though, is the work. I have to ask myself whether I am willing to settle for a boring but stable job, or go out and seek something more exciting but less secure. Its hard. This is my first ever real job. I know I'm probably suffering from the "grass is always greener" syndrome. But . . . it couldn't be much worse. The only thing keeping me there is the people with whom I work, and the hours I work. I know, I know, suck it up and shut up.

Anyway, the fact is we need the money and so I can't go anywhere for now. The Army does not pay E5s very well. So. With that in mind, its time to go to bed and get ready for another not so exciting day at work!

Marathon training is going well!! Knees seem to have recovered.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Ahh - back after a brief hiatus to read the final Harry Potter book. It was good - a little predictable - but good.

Today has been harder than recent days. Hubby had said he would call and then didn't - so I was in a worrisome mood for most of last night. Then I got an email saying he would call today, and he didn't. So I worry again. I know, of course, that he can't promise anything and the phones are dodgy and all that - but I just can't help it. And then just to top it all off, I couldn't get the top of the bloody branston pickle. Needing a man at that particular moment made me realise just how much I miss him.

I never got any branston pickle either. Its still sitting there, taunting me with its spicy goodness.

Still, trying to remain happy and positive since I know its only a temporary blip.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

It is here!!!! UPS just delivered Harry Potter to my door . . . such euphoria.
blogger is frustrating me. Things are taking too long to post. argh.

Friday, July 20, 2007

What? That's not the road?

Silly Silly. Today I had to go downtown for a meeting. This doesn't sound like much of an adventure except that as usual, it was pissing down. So, off I went. All was going well, tootling along and looking for a parking space. I spy a car park on the left side of the one way street, scoot across the lanes and turn in. Why is this interesting. HA - well, it turns out it was not an entrance to the car park at all and I actually drove over the footpath and up over a large curb !! nice. In my defense, it was really rainy and there was a lot of water on the path. I was so ashamed!

Hubby has started the job hunt for when he gets back because it is going to take a while. Since the lovely army deployed him right after the bar exam, he didn't ever get a chance to get in the job market. So we have been working on his resume. Hopefully some employers will appreciate that war zone experience counts for something!!! We'll see.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Well, my magical hairdresser has managed to make me look presentable for at least 24 hours. I chickened out and only cut off 4 inches. but at least it looks tidy. I hardly recognise myself.

I decided to clean the fish tanks this evening. The whole process reminded me why I need a man back in the house. The tank is heavy, right, so, I thought I should empty it first. Then, I thought, bugger this and decided just to lift it over to the sink. BIG MISTAKE. I now have mucky fishy water all over the kitchen. Most of it is cleared up but the rug will need a good going over. And what would have prevented all this? Having someone with some upper body strength. I am all about equality and all but honestly, I'm just too weedy to do some things!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Isn't it so lovely to have a relaxing evening? Tonight was the first I have had in a little while. Hubby has sounded (!) safer recently, so I don't have to worry about him quite so much. I finished everything I planned for the day at work, and I didn't get stuck in a rain storm on the way home.

So, it has been a lovely evening. I plonked myself on the sofa and watched a favourite film and then had a glass of wine with dinner. I even took a nice little nap. Fabulous. I also watched my current favourite on the telly - "so you think you can dance." I love it. I makes me dream that maybe if had even an ounce of grace or had only the one left foot, I could be a dancer too. Thankfully when this show is over, my other fave, "dancing with the stars" will be back.

I've also been playing online trying to find a new hair do. I have wild hair that takes huge amounts of effort to tame every morning. It has that charming super-frizz characteristic that means "big" is never an issue, and, there is tons of it. Every hairdresser I have ever been to has said something along the lines of "blimey, that's a lot of hair for one person." Add that to the SE Texas humidity and you have recipe for disaster and a big grin on the face of the flat iron people. Anyway. . . I spent two hours online only to come to the conclusion that long, red and frizzy is probably how it will remain. I'll tell my hair that it's the thought that counts.

Oh, I hope this good mood continues. Its not that I ever stop worrying about him, but it is so nice to get a bit of relief from the nervous feeling I have most of the time. IT has also been super that we have been able to talk about non-war related items recently. One that has brought us most joy is planning our wedding reception. We had one of those planned in 24 hours weddings that a lot of military couples have when they find out about deployment. It was wonderful, but we didn't get to celebrate with many friends. In fact, most people missed it. So, when he gets back, we are having a large reception and will finally get to dance our "first dance." I think we have decided on a song, but I have dreamed about this moment for a long time so it has to be perfect. Discussing it has made for some brilliant phone chats recently.

This post is too long . . .
I am having an exciting day! Today I got notice of my citizenship interview. whee! I also found my running shoes - so overall this has been a good day. :-)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ok, does anyone else lose their mobile phone on a daily basis? I've had to phone mine from the house phone twice today!

I've lost my running shoes too

Today's stress?? The traffic. If anyone can tell me why drivers feel the need to slow down to look at accidents? Answers on a postcard please!

Oh, and of course - it rained!!! What a bloody shocker. And, lucky us, we are getting more rain tomorrow. :-)

Nothing even remotely amusing happened today. I'm a little disappointed, I have to admit. I got to work at crazy am (6:20) so that I could leave early and go to a house closing. I mainly wanted to go because there was champagne and strawberries - and very nice they were too! I felt a little naughty drinking at 4pm on a Tuesday! The pleasure was entirely ruined by the silly traffic coming home though - an hour to go 6 miles!!!!! ick. Oh I know, all I ever do is complain - but really!! And, it isn't helped by the fact that drivers here like to look at the green light for a good 10 seconds before they go, presumably just to check that the light is in fact, green, and not just a green shade of red.

Oh the happy front, I spoke to hubby again today! He is so busy that he hasn't had time to check for the package I sent. I think he is out of peach iced tea (his absolute favourite) and I had send a load more in this box. Hopefully he will get it tomorrow so he won't have to go without for too long. We've also been planning a little holiday for when he gets back. I think he has earned it!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Music update!

Today I re-mastered my favorite concerto!! I am excited. Its the Concerto in C minor for Recorder (of flute) by Vivaldi. Its a super concerto and so much fun to play.

The down side is that the numbness in my fingers is happening again. I hope I don't go through the same disappointments all over again.
Today has had one positive feature - for dinner I had cake and wine. yay.

Ok, seriously, since when did Texas have a monsoon season? I have had it with the rain. I have it on good authority from the weather people that it has rained 26 out of the last 30 days. We don't need any more for the time being thank you very much!!! This kind of rubbish weather is why I left London in the first place. I don't need a repeat performance in my new home!

Really, today was rubbish. It started badly at 5:30 this morning when I clonked my knee on the bath. I have a bruise to match the one on the other knee that I got from running! Always an attractive look, don't you think!

It had its amusing moments though. During my lunch hour I was doing my usual routine at the gym (30 mins, 3.6 miles on the treadmill) when I was very rudely interrupted by a massive lightning strike and a power outage! That will ruin your knees if it happens too often. It was painful but ultimately funny. When we left the office for lunch, it was not raining. By the time we returned, post gym, it was lashing down. So much so, that walking to the car the water was coming over the top of my new pink shoes. So sad. Squelching in ones shoes is most unpleasant. Then, the side roads were all flooded. But when we got back to work, was in raining? Of course not!! merely a light drizzle. So, I looked a right wally with soaking trousers and wet shoes for the rest of the day. Oh someone send some sunshine please!

Hubby called today. He is well. I miss him so much, and I hope he gets his parcel of goodies soon!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Right then . . . moping over. I have done far too much of that in the last few weeks. Its not attractive and honestly, it only makes me miserable. The only answer is self help. I have had a little sit down and a think about what makes me happy. I figure that if I continue to do some of those things, I can only get happier. yeah, yeah. I know - it hardly took a genius to work that out. But, in case you're interested . . .

1. I fully intend to start up again with the music. The reason I gave up was so pathetic (under the scrutiny of 20/20 hindsight of course!) and I need to get over myself and my fears. Am I going to be the absolute best? Probably not. Can I get close? Absolutely. And. there is no reason why it can't be fitted in around my job.

2. I'm going to keep wearing my hair curly. If other people don't like it, that's their decision. I like it.

3. I will run that bloody marathon in February if its the last thing I do.

4. I will continue to drink beer, irrespecitve of whether or not it is "ladylike" to do so. I love beer.

5. I will go to Spain and to Australia next year.

This is my initial list. It is not profound, it is not special. It isn't really very interesting. But its a start to get over this self indulgent moping of the last few weeks.

The frustration of being the "reliable one" is seriously beginning go get to me again. I've had enough. I am pretty sure that noone cares about how I feel.

Aside from that . . .
I did cheer myself up with more new shoes yesterday.

Friday, July 13, 2007

I have that sad, sinking feeling today, and I don't know why. There have been some rumblings about a possible return date from Iraq for hubby. I think I want to believe them, but I just don't. So many things we are told end up to be absolute rubbish so I have not allowed myself to be excited. Maybe this is why I am sad. I want to be excited. But, even if I got excited about a return date, that is still months from now, and anything could happen.

I think I will take my anger at the situation out on the running track tomorrow. It is a great release for the huge amount of rage I feel. It helps the clothes fit better too which has to be a positive!!

The non-descript sad feeling makes me miss home too. I'd do anything to be able to pop back now and again to visit my super friends and to go to familiar places. The weather is more pleasant too. 4000 miles is a long long way though . . . so I will keep dreaming!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Wonderful News and some facts I am certain you never knew

Today I got some great news. Some friends of mine who lost a baby a little over a year ago, have just had a beautiful baby girl. I could not be happier for them. And, it couldn't happen to two more caring and lovely people.

Today was also insanely hot (101 and seriously humid) and amusing. We played a family game of articulate (a little bit like taboo). Highly amusing all round really. If you believed the descriptions given during the evening, you would have come away believing the following:

1. spiders have 6 legs
2. the capital of the Holland is Antwerp (hmmm! new passports all around for the good people of Antwerp then!)
3. orchids are a small sea animal that float near the shore
4. Dudley Moore is married to Ashton Kutcher

Perhaps I shouldn't admit all this . . .!!! We're not a bunch of dimwits - I promise!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

concerns from separation

Oh today at work was so slow. I thought it might never end.

I have been thinking at lot. When my husband deployed overseas a lot of thoughts ran though my head. Of course, I was concerned for his safety, and concerned that he would be travelling though a very volatile area. I was also concerned that the experience of being there would change him. Four months of lead up training and then a year full time is a long long time for a reservist who does not usually spend more than one weekend a month in that environment. So, as I say, it concerned me.

What I didn't really consider was how it might change me. I just thought that it would be the same for me . . .same town, same chores, same life, just without him. Oh was I wrong! If I'd sat down and thought about it, it would have occurred to me that in my whole life, I have lived alone for 2 months. Now I have been living along 10 months. Not only that, but I had always been in school or uni. Now I have a professional job without the inbuilt socials and late night study bonding.

So 10 months of significant alone time can really change you. There are positives, of course. I'm much more self assured that before. And I can put up curtains and fix toilets. But, it now worries me that other things could be a problem. Have I become too selfish in what I do with my spare time? Have I become less considerate of another person living in the house?? Luckily for me, this has finally come to me at a time when I can still do something about it. He is not expected home for at least 4 more months.

Then of course comes the question of whether I should change back. I feel I should give him what he bargained for as it were, but, should I deny who I am? I know myself much better now than I did before. I want that to continue, and at the same time, make things work as they did before.

Is it realistic to expect things to be the same?

so many questions

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Supermarket Etiquette

A note to the well meaning folks of my neighbourhood . . .

shopping on your own at the supermarket in the early evening is not a sign of being single/sad/in need of sympathy!!

If you see a girl shopping in the evening and buying food for one, please don't come up to her and say "not so much fun, cooking just for you, is it?" Also, please don't suggest the double portion that can be frozen for a second meal.

And finally, if you work in the supermarket and have a cold, please don't work in the fresh produce section

this is all based on my latest experience at the supermarket. I felt quite traumatised by the end of it!!
Why, would anyone deliberately set out to hurt their child?

Some people I know have recently married. They are very young (in their teens), and both families were a little unsure about the wedding and whether it was a good idea. But, they did marry and are a very happy little couple. One parent, however, is apprently determined to be as horrible as possible to her child over the whole thing. she leaves voice messages and sends emails that are full of hate. She even went to far to say that she wished her child's spouse dead. The couple are both smart, educated, and kind. I simply cannot understand how anyone could be so cold to their own child.

As for me, this has been a rough week. Not sure if I mentioned that I am a long long way away from my husband and have been for some time as he is deployed. I have worried more than ususal this week. I don't know why. I am hoping that it is unnecessary extra worry.
I worry more when the phones are out and he can't call. This didn't bother me so much until the time when I could hear gun fire. Now my nerves are on edge much more often. I can't wait for this all to be over - for me and for all the other families out there.

Monday, July 9, 2007

marathon training

Marathon training is not going well. I have hurt my knee. Came back from a small run (only 6 miles or so) only to find that my kneecap was all bruised looking. 48 hours later and its still looking dodgy. This is very frustrating. I may have to stick with the half marathon instead which sucks because I wanted the challenge of the full thing. ARGH. We'll see.

random thoughts for the day

Today I had to chair a meeting for a large project at work. I made an effort to wear nice clothes etc. And then what is the first thing I did today? Spilled coffee all down my front. It looked lovely on my pale pink top. That just about sums up my workday.

Away from work, I was pleased to read that the 3 year girl taken hostage in Nigeria was released. Crimes against children are such a horrific thing in society. Its a relief to see a happy ending for once, and I just hope that she doesn't remember much about it.

I have also been following the English football transfer market some. The money in football, american football and other sports is enough to make you sick. I love to watch sports as much as the next person, and I get that these people need to make a living. But millions and millions??? Imagine what that money could do for charitable causes in local communities. Sure, some sports personalities give huge amounts of money to charity - but not all of them. Our priorities seem to be all muddled up.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Do you ever feel like . . .

Do you ever feel like you step up one time and from there forward, you become the reliable one, the reasonable one, the one you go to if there's something to say that's difficult, or that might cause confrontation?
Well, that's how I feel and the moment. I'm quite bored with it actually. I wish other folks would take responsibility and say what it is they want to say. For a start, perhaps that would solve a few things. And, then maybe I can have a rest from putting out other people's fires. This is not a job I asked for within the family and yet, I appear to have been bestowed with the honor. Fabulous.

Yesterday was a frustrating day in a lot of ways. I'm having to keep my anger . . . well maybe not anger - maybe just irritation . . . in at the moment which is completely contrary to any advice I would give anyone else. Currently though, by letting it out I would damage too many relations and it would be an especially selfish move under the circumstances. The blog will have to do for today!

I suppose what I want, in short, is for the other people to grow some balls (nice turn of phrase, I know) or stop whining about it. Also, I'd like someone, just someone in the aforementioned group, to ask how I am feeling today, or how my day was. Is that so much to ask? Really? Even if they don't really care that much, it would be so nice to be asked. My need is quite basic.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Now, for a small person. I have huge feet. I mean it - God was kind enough to make me a petite 5 feet 3, size 0-2 etc. but then he had a huge joke by giving me massive great feet - both long and wide, and according to my mother , ugly. I hate my feet. But recently, I have decided to embrace my hideous feet by indulging outrageous amounts of shoe buying.

To be fair, they were all good deals. Great deals, in fact. But seriously - who needs lime green dress sandals? I do apparently. And they will look good with nice black dress trousers. But I think I really do have a problem. I have purchased 10 pairs of shoes in the last two weeks. And that is in addition to the four pairs in the two weeks before then. So it really makes me wonder - what is it about shoes? I just cannot control myself around them.

And one more thing - what is with all the trainers coming onto the court at Wimbledon this year???? Isn't being fit enough to deal with scheduling issues just part of being a tennis star?

Friday, July 6, 2007

I was thinking today about being alone - not permanently - and how it forces you to get to know yourself rather too well. I mean - you spend all this time thinking and assessing relationships and going back over all the little things that could have changed your life - all those decisions etc. And then, what if after all that, you don't much care for the person you find. Is it really that easy to just change yourself and fix all those things you don't like?

This has been bothering me all day. Can you make yourself a "good sport" just because you don't really like that you are not? Can you get over a hang up or bias, just because you would want your friends to? I certainly don't know. But I think its something to think about. I suppose I am stuck between on the one hand thinking that people should accept me as I am, but on the other, knowing that I wouldn't much like to be my friend.

I prefer to think about politics, but sadly this has been all there is on my mind today. That and the non stop miserable rain. Perhaps that has influenced my mind's path some.

from the old blog . . .

Cat Fights and Designer Bags

It is becoming apparent that people cannot take responsibility for their actions and that standards are slipping. Gone, it seems, are the days when someone can appreciate that maybe, just maybe, they stepped over the line, accept that they made a mistake and move on.

For example - take the debate between the democratic candidate's wife and the right wing author. Really , really folks. I believe all the wife was saying was, question my husband on the issues rather than throwing insults. The response? Right wing chick gets shirty and says wife is telling her to shut up. Not so if you read the transcript. Seriously people - get a grip. Some advice to them both. 1. Wife - don't call up the news shows to fight his battles, it makes him look weak. 2. Right wing chick - if someone asks you to stop the insults and speak on the issues, please, speak about the issues rather than having a hissy fit.

And, since when was it common practice to loot the houses of flood victims. not only did we see this in New Orleans in 2005, but now in the UK with the huge floods over there. Come on folks! And where are the parents of the teenagers who are doing this?

The US Supreme Court today had some good and some bad rulings to close out its term. The affirmative action case in Kentucky and Washington State have, in my opinion, come out with the right result. Busing kids for 4 hours a day in the name of diversity just cannot be a good thing, whichever side of the fence you sit on affirmative action. Well done majority in that one.
However, the anti trust case is a worry. Minimum pricing law was, until today, settled for almost 100 years. Now, designers etc. will be able to set minimum prices for their goods. Some analysis has suggested that the potential consequences will not be all that bad. Maybe, maybe not, but it does seem to undermine the whole point of anti trust in the first place. And, sorry girls, but it could spell the end to the bargain priced brands at our favourite close out locations.

oh. and one last thing. Playing music in ones car so loudly that I can hear it in my living room is not freedom of expression, it is rude and immature.

8:20 PM

New To This?


There's so much of the blogging business around that it seemed appropriate to start one. After all, if everyone else around the world is interesting enough, I must be too, right? OR maybe not. To be honest, reading the daily imput of people's dull lives doesn't hold that much interest to me, but the number of hits on some friend's blogs makes me wonder what all the fuss is about.

Surely people have better things to do with their lives?

Perhaps not. After all, I am sitting here in my study at 4:44 on a Tuesday afternoon apparently with nothing better to do that surf random blogs and finally give in to creating my own.

My beef of the day is with those who like to sit in their offices at work and talk loudly about politics and the state of the universe and how it all needs changing. The folks that I have in mind love to wax lyrical about the topic, but if you once question them on what they preach, or suggest that an alternative plan might at least have a slither of merit, they shut you down, change the subject, and strongly suggest that one might like to leave their office pronto.
I have to wonder why they even bother to have an opinion in the first place if it is clearly not thought through, or, in some cases, not even logical. Take for instance, the argument for/against the death penalty. Personally, I am undecided so I like to seek the opinions of others. The typical response is "well, the Bible says and eye for an eye." True . . . but . . . what about what Jesus said about turning the other cheek? I ask. Now, if you are reading this and thinking that I am professing some great insight, I am of course doing nothing of the sort. I am merely asking what millions have asked before me. But this gassing, self absorbed being before me simply dismisses me from the office without even a sniff of recognition that I might have a point in there somewhere. I don't even want them to agree with me, I just want them to justify/explain/fight for their own proposition.
Why can't/won't people do so? Surely society would benefit if people at least thought about their deep rooted beliefs and not just blindly stand by them? Or, is my belief in people needing to think exactly one of those beliefs I have such a problem with??? I'd like to know (really!!). This has been on my mind for some time.