Saturday, October 27, 2007

Another note to the well meaning folks of my neighbourhood

Dear folks
If your house is on the market, and people will be making appointments to come and look around, and if you want people to actually purchase your house, I have some words of wisdom.

IF YOU HAVE A PARROT IN THE LAUNDRY ROOM PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WARN PEOPLE IN THE AGENTS REMARKS!!!!!!!! Otherwise, your potential buyer will have a near heart attack and frankly, will be put off purchasing the place.

I also suggest cleaning your carpets, not leaving dirty dishes in the sink, de cluttering your closets and putting childrens toys in an neat orderly manner. Small things that would make all the difference.

So, yeah, I am house hunting. We only have 3 bedrooms, and I think we need 4. And, we don't have a study or a gameroom. So we need a new house. I am not sure hubby is so keen on this idea but since he's not here . . . just kidding - I am doing the ground work so we have some good ones to look at once he gets back. Thankfully he will be back soon - yippee.

Right, well, now that that is all cleared up, a glass of wine I think


liberal army wife said...

sounds like those house sellers need to watch "Sell this House"... or they gave up.


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