Sunday, October 7, 2007

I think homecoming is going to be hard.
We are already arguing - about stupid stuff too. Mainly we can't agree on what we will do for all the various holiday celebrations. He wants to see his family and I want to see mine. Of course, this is nothing new for most families, but I still feel he is being selfish. I don't feel that his parents do anything for us - and then when we try to make them happy, they end up screwing everything up for everyone. I suppose I just don't see why my family should have to step back in order to accommodate his family.

yeah. I know. it will get easier, hang in there and all that. But it sucks.


liberal army wife said...

well of course it's going to be hard, and wonderful and fun, and awful and and and. He's going to want to see his family, you want to see yours.SO, pick a holiday that you spend with one, then the other holiday gets spent with the other. works.


Marine Wife said...

Or my personal favorite, go somewhere else altogether! Just the 2 of you.

Or you can always invite the family (either or both) to come to you.

Families are so hard sometimes. Good luck finding a good balance!