Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Nice long weekend everyone? I hope so!! I had lofty plans to do nothing other than watch movies and drink beer. That didn't work out of course! After spending some quality time with my favourite fashion magazines I felt inspired to go shopping. So, off I went, dreaming of all the fabulous things I could buy. HA! Well, it turns out that none of the fabulous clothes were made to fit me. It was so depressing. I went to a huge number of shops within a large price range and, nothing! So, as usual, I was forced to try the junior section where all the ultra-skinny 17 year olds stared at me with that "you are SO totally too old to be shopping here look." And, I didn't find much in there either. So, I bought myself shoes instead :-) Fabulous, dark red, patent, t-strap heels. Sooo beautiful.

It got me thinking though. Why oh why do the makers of nice professional women's clothes not make anything small enough those of us who do not have hips? They have whole sections for larger women, and whole sections for people a half inch shorter than me, but what about us slightly taller than petite slightly boy shaped folks????? Yeah, yeah, I know I am not getting much sympathy from anyone, but it is very frustrating indeed!

Oh - and, on the previous subject and related to LAW's oh so true comment, there is also the parent who allows their child to turn around and look over the back of the seat at you and then gets pissy when one asks the child to cease. I told hubby about my thoughts and he requested that I add one of his experiences to the list. When he was coming home on leave earlier in the year, he was on a long flight from the UAE to London, and was really rather tired. So, half and hour or so into the flight he decides, quite reasonably in the opinion of most normal people, to recline his seat. Well, the woman behind him throws a fit!!! Says she can't eat her dinner. So, being the sweet lovie that he is, he says, ok fine I will wait. So, once the dinner has finished and most are dosing, sweet hubby is awfully tired and decides to try again. Guess what!!!! Woman throws another fit and tells him that he is a most selfish young man who has no respect for his elders!!! He explained that he was coming home on leave from a combat zone and was tired and was only doing what any other person would do. Did it make a difference ? Or course not! What a witch!

Anyway, there you go hubby! "mean, nasty, I am going to ruin your flight for no good reason" lady has been added to my list.

And with that, a glass of wine I think


liberal army wife said...

oh dear... I'm sorry. I'm just happy that I found some pants that look good, fit and were on sale... sorry...

And the old lady on the plane, I'da just put the seat back and let her kvetch.


Janey M said...

I think i would have too - but hubby is a lot nicer than I am!!! Glad to hear someone is having clothes success!