Tuesday, August 7, 2007

ahhh, internet again!

My internet finally came back on at home. whoo hoo

I have taken my internet-less time to re read the entire Harry Potter collection and to see the latest movie. yeah, ok, so I like Harry Potter - was a convert after the first and second movies were filmed in part in my University town while I was there.

So, the books. Book seven is just as good as the others. It certainly is no disappointment as some reviews suggest. I don't cry very easily and I cried three times in this book! I felt a bit of a ninny sitting in my living room crying about a book that is so far into the realms of fantasy. But maybe that is what is so appealing about these books. The characters are so human and so real when you read them, you can let yourself believe this stuff could actually happen. Absolutely brilliant.

The movie isn't bad either. The problem I saw with the Order of the Phoenix was the length of the book and all that happens in it. Large chunks would have to be left out to keep the movie to 2 hours. That said, I never understand why certain things are changed. Take, for example, the breaking of the prophecy at the ministry. In the book, Lucius Malfoy does not break the prophecy, but he does in the movie. Why?? Makes no sense. I suppose they were trying to show that Lucius would be in "you know who"'s bad books . . . but they could have achieved the same result by sticking with the book. That bit just really bugged me. Otherwise it was a great movie (ruined slightly by the people who decided to talk through the whole thing). I love the characters - especially Ron Weasley. To me, as it says in book 5 (even though missed out of the movie), Weasley is my king!!

Right, Potter stuff over with.

Hubby has been freaking me out this week. He went quiet on the phone and couldn't hide the fact he was apprehensive about something. He then said he wouldn't be able to call for a while. I don't think he was actively trying to make me lose sleep, but he certainly succeeded. I don't want to tell him that he has to lie, but really, he can't scare me like that. I need my sleep to be even an ounch of use at work.

He liked his package though. It always makes me smile to know that I have sent the right thing to him!! Sometimes I send something that he clearly doesn't like!! By the same token, he once sent me a document I needed and did so without even a note saying "love you wife"! Naturally I voiced my displeasure at the time. Poor husband.

I hope he's safe

1 comment:

liberal army wife said...

Glad you are back. as for husband. we all walk that fine line, what do we tell each other and what do we not.. I didn't tell DH about surgery until after it was over... He's still snarky about it. BUT he also didn't tell me about the convoys he did and the flights to other FOBs...