Saturday, August 11, 2007


Ok, people. its August. Its 105 degrees outside. So why oh why do we have Christmas decorations on sale in the shops???? Get a grip. Really.

At least so far we have been spared the Christmas music. But seriously . . . Christmas decorations in August? Sorry I have such a beef with this but its just not cricket.

Sweet hubby called me today to discuss the last HP book now that it has finally arrived and he has had the chance to read it (I think he has gone without sleep for the last three days). Apparently the arrival of HP caused something of a stir in his camp as a lot of the soldiers wanted to get a read themselves. I suggested he run a rental service. I honestly didn't realise it would be so popular out there - had I known I would have popped another couple of books in the post to him. Oh well, at least a few of them can share his copy.

I'm actually feeling quite proud of myself as I managed to get hubby's favourite snack today (in the shop that sells the Christmas decorations so I suppose they are not completely awful). I can't wait to get them in the mail to him. I also managed to get some of the magnetic photo frames he is so fond of. Excellent shopping all round.

Well, this is a very boring post all told. Honestly, there is not much exciting stuff to write. I have been doing the marathon training and have a small concern that one of my knees might give up. I think for now I should be ok with doing some strength exercises and keeping at slower speed. Gosh, this is not very exciting either. How dull my life is.

On the plus side, however, I have not been doing my usual worrying about hubby. He should not have to do convoys again for a while and I know now that I need to appreciate the phone calls when they come, and not get all silly and upset when they don't. As long as I do all that, all should be well. Yippee.

One more thing before I go off for a nice glass of wine . . . LAW - I think you are my only reader - I tried to post comments on your blog and it won't let me. I was most disgusted by my rubbish antique computer when it refused to budge. I just want to let you know I am a huge fan!

Right . . . about that wine

1 comment:

liberal army wife said...

Yes, dear... I understand about antique systems... today has been the insane attempt to update the Antivirus crap...After 3 hours, and update after update... finally I think it's done.

Glad hub is doing well. Where ever he is, tell him to keep his helment on and his butt down.