Thursday, August 9, 2007

Another note to the good people of my neighbourhood

When you drive to work in the mornings, down those horribly polluted highways, please remember your manners.

It is not polite to squeeze people out of lanes just because your truck is bigger and noisier than their fuel efficient sedan

Just because I let one person in, it does not mean that I am going to let in the next five over-sized trucks too.

Driving down the shoulder to avoid the traffic jam is rude.

Playing your music so loudly that I can hear every word is obnoxious and childish, especially when you are a grown man. This behaviour is especially rude at 6:15am. (And while I am on that subject, playing it so loudly that I can hear it in my house is equally bad manners).

Driving one inch from my bumper is not only dangerous, but unnecessarily confrontational.

If a car is parked on the side of the road, on the feeder road, or anywhere close to the freeway, there is no need to slow down and look at it. To do so certainly won't improve the day of that car's owner, and it will not improve yours either. It does, however, make me late for work. Please stop.

Slowing down to have good stare at accidents is not just bad manners, its kinda sick.

Right, I think that is all for now. In case anyone is wondering, hubby is safe and well and has instructions to tell commanding officers that his wife won't let him do anything else dangerous.

1 comment:

liberal army wife said...

oh my... your drivers sound as bad as Minnesota drivers! Actually, when my son got back from his tour in the Sand in 2004, he told me he thought they were worse than the Iraqis..... don't know about that , but tell me why, on a "dual carriageway", wherein the LEFT lane is for passing or going very fast, there is always, always, ALWAYS, an idiot doing about ten miles under the speedlimit, who will NOT move over....

Although I am NOT enjoying being unemployed at the present time (although being with husband IS making up for it) I do not miss the commute to work.