Friday, July 6, 2007

from the old blog . . .

Cat Fights and Designer Bags

It is becoming apparent that people cannot take responsibility for their actions and that standards are slipping. Gone, it seems, are the days when someone can appreciate that maybe, just maybe, they stepped over the line, accept that they made a mistake and move on.

For example - take the debate between the democratic candidate's wife and the right wing author. Really , really folks. I believe all the wife was saying was, question my husband on the issues rather than throwing insults. The response? Right wing chick gets shirty and says wife is telling her to shut up. Not so if you read the transcript. Seriously people - get a grip. Some advice to them both. 1. Wife - don't call up the news shows to fight his battles, it makes him look weak. 2. Right wing chick - if someone asks you to stop the insults and speak on the issues, please, speak about the issues rather than having a hissy fit.

And, since when was it common practice to loot the houses of flood victims. not only did we see this in New Orleans in 2005, but now in the UK with the huge floods over there. Come on folks! And where are the parents of the teenagers who are doing this?

The US Supreme Court today had some good and some bad rulings to close out its term. The affirmative action case in Kentucky and Washington State have, in my opinion, come out with the right result. Busing kids for 4 hours a day in the name of diversity just cannot be a good thing, whichever side of the fence you sit on affirmative action. Well done majority in that one.
However, the anti trust case is a worry. Minimum pricing law was, until today, settled for almost 100 years. Now, designers etc. will be able to set minimum prices for their goods. Some analysis has suggested that the potential consequences will not be all that bad. Maybe, maybe not, but it does seem to undermine the whole point of anti trust in the first place. And, sorry girls, but it could spell the end to the bargain priced brands at our favourite close out locations.

oh. and one last thing. Playing music in ones car so loudly that I can hear it in my living room is not freedom of expression, it is rude and immature.

8:20 PM

New To This?


There's so much of the blogging business around that it seemed appropriate to start one. After all, if everyone else around the world is interesting enough, I must be too, right? OR maybe not. To be honest, reading the daily imput of people's dull lives doesn't hold that much interest to me, but the number of hits on some friend's blogs makes me wonder what all the fuss is about.

Surely people have better things to do with their lives?

Perhaps not. After all, I am sitting here in my study at 4:44 on a Tuesday afternoon apparently with nothing better to do that surf random blogs and finally give in to creating my own.

My beef of the day is with those who like to sit in their offices at work and talk loudly about politics and the state of the universe and how it all needs changing. The folks that I have in mind love to wax lyrical about the topic, but if you once question them on what they preach, or suggest that an alternative plan might at least have a slither of merit, they shut you down, change the subject, and strongly suggest that one might like to leave their office pronto.
I have to wonder why they even bother to have an opinion in the first place if it is clearly not thought through, or, in some cases, not even logical. Take for instance, the argument for/against the death penalty. Personally, I am undecided so I like to seek the opinions of others. The typical response is "well, the Bible says and eye for an eye." True . . . but . . . what about what Jesus said about turning the other cheek? I ask. Now, if you are reading this and thinking that I am professing some great insight, I am of course doing nothing of the sort. I am merely asking what millions have asked before me. But this gassing, self absorbed being before me simply dismisses me from the office without even a sniff of recognition that I might have a point in there somewhere. I don't even want them to agree with me, I just want them to justify/explain/fight for their own proposition.
Why can't/won't people do so? Surely society would benefit if people at least thought about their deep rooted beliefs and not just blindly stand by them? Or, is my belief in people needing to think exactly one of those beliefs I have such a problem with??? I'd like to know (really!!). This has been on my mind for some time.

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