Friday, July 13, 2007

I have that sad, sinking feeling today, and I don't know why. There have been some rumblings about a possible return date from Iraq for hubby. I think I want to believe them, but I just don't. So many things we are told end up to be absolute rubbish so I have not allowed myself to be excited. Maybe this is why I am sad. I want to be excited. But, even if I got excited about a return date, that is still months from now, and anything could happen.

I think I will take my anger at the situation out on the running track tomorrow. It is a great release for the huge amount of rage I feel. It helps the clothes fit better too which has to be a positive!!

The non-descript sad feeling makes me miss home too. I'd do anything to be able to pop back now and again to visit my super friends and to go to familiar places. The weather is more pleasant too. 4000 miles is a long long way though . . . so I will keep dreaming!

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