Thursday, July 12, 2007

Wonderful News and some facts I am certain you never knew

Today I got some great news. Some friends of mine who lost a baby a little over a year ago, have just had a beautiful baby girl. I could not be happier for them. And, it couldn't happen to two more caring and lovely people.

Today was also insanely hot (101 and seriously humid) and amusing. We played a family game of articulate (a little bit like taboo). Highly amusing all round really. If you believed the descriptions given during the evening, you would have come away believing the following:

1. spiders have 6 legs
2. the capital of the Holland is Antwerp (hmmm! new passports all around for the good people of Antwerp then!)
3. orchids are a small sea animal that float near the shore
4. Dudley Moore is married to Ashton Kutcher

Perhaps I shouldn't admit all this . . .!!! We're not a bunch of dimwits - I promise!

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